Papaya massage bar soap

Regular price $6.99

Bring the spa to you: massage tense,tired,overworked muscles as you cleanse your body with our papaya scented massage bar soap leaving your body super soft and alí contains many vitamins and nutrients that our skins needs.

*our massage bar soap is hand made

*all our products are organic vegan and cruelty Free

*our massage bar soap is papaya scented smells amazing 

* Good for all skins types 

* Benefits those with eczema or psoriasis 

ingredients: shea butter, mango butter,cacao butter soap base. Papaya scented,mica powder

**All products made by JB devine Stuff are handcrafted with the 
highest quality products. We take every step possible
to ensure that you get exceptional beauty products

These products are not intended to cure or treat any
conditions. None of our statements have been evaluated by
the FDA